Creating Daily Routines

As children and families children are adjusting to new learning at home opportunities, we reflect on the fact that kids do best when there are routines in place. Routines and schedules look completely different in every classroom, and they will also look different in every home. Please know this is a journey-we will all have bumps along the way. Create a schedule and routines that work for your family!

Below are some ideas to use as a starting point…


Flexible Schedule

Your family might work best with a flexible schedule for each day. This schedule helps kids that thrive on change and continually switching of tasks. Sticky notes work great for this. Each “task” is written on one sticky note, and the order in which they are done is flexible throughout the day.


Fixed Schedule

Your family might work best with a fixed schedule for each day. The general time frames stay the same from day to day. This schedule helps kids that thrive on consistent routines and knowing ahead of time what will be happening next.

Creating Reading Routines
